zosianicola's diary

zosianicola's Diaryland Diary


home again home again

I was so anxious to get out of town yesterday that I:

locked myself out of my office while I was running around trying to get it tidied up for a week's absence (third time I have done that. I am the only one in the department with a key so I have to wait for campus police to let me in)

backed out of my driveway into the truck of the maintenance guy (he was parked there illegally and watched me for the entire 45 minutes it took me to load up the car, dog crate, dog, etc---i gave him my agent's number but I am not sure I will have to pay---the condo parking rules are very strict) But I did back into him, it was my stupid fault, I couldn't see him because of the dog crate

THEN, about 40 minutes after we got on the road, I got a flat tire. About 10 miles short of San Marcos. I pulled over and checked the tire, but the traffic was too close and too fast for me to change it there, so I crept slowly to the next exit ramp (weirdly I had to creep around TWO other traffic groups, breakdowns or drug deals I don't know---so it took a really long time because I had to wait for long breaks in the traffic to do this creeping). I called AAA but they put me on hold for a long time and I started to change it myself but one of the guys from one of the other shoulder incidents came over to help. He put the spare on for me and I gave him 10 bucks---he said "are you sure? You already paid AAA" and I said "Yeah but they didn't come, you did"

Then I had to drive around looking for a place to fix the big tire because the tiny spare is way too small for a 150 mile drive. First i was mis-directed to a tire shop, then I headed into New Braunfels and stopped at a convenience store. i called AAA for help but a young man overheard my call and said his uncle had a body shop half a block away and could fix it. Yes indeed Uncle Jose had a fantastic Texana sort of junk and body shop and he charged me $25 (had to sell me a used tire because the one I had mangled on the freeway was junked) and Mydog and I were back on the road. In all the tire fiasco took me only about an hour to deal with. Could have been way worse.

The other thing that could have been way worse was a freaking out or just plain noisy barking puppy, but Mydog was a perfect gentleman the whole time. No barking, no whining, no biological accidents (he did get a potty break at the body shop in New Braunfels). He was a champ

Anyway now we are home, which he recognized, and we are extremely happy (he is also extremely muddy, but there's no helping that. There has been 5 inches of rain here and how can I deny him the free run of the backyard?)

I had a gimlet when I got home, then a glass of wine, then a little dinner, then a big ice cream cone at Maggie Moo's. I still clock in at under my desired weight. Teaching 60 hours a week is a great diet---I never have time to eat lunch or breakfast, and not much time to cook dinner

There's just not a whole lot of point in bathing them today

8:39 a.m. - 2006-10-18


leisure activity today
yet to be seen--new tire purchase planned

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a substitute activity - 2007-07-17
tired of this tedious waiting all the time - 2007-07-13
July 13 update - 2007-07-13
- - 2007-07-08
nooooooz - 2007-06-29

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