zosianicola's diary

zosianicola's Diaryland Diary


my wandering car story

On of my occasional readers wrote on her blog of a surprising automotive event: her son (I presume) had parked the car in the driveway but did not set the brake and did not put it in park, so an hour later they were notified by a neighbor that the car was sitting in the road. I once went to the grocery store in State College Pennsylvania, a hilly town where the grocery stores have hilly parking lots. I parked fairly close, went in to do my shopping and when I came out my car was right in front of the store (I MEAN RIGHT IN FRONT), perpendicular in orientation to where it had been. So lucky it didn't enter the store. So lucky it didn't hit other cars. So lucky it didn't hit a child strolling through.

Mydog graduated to not having to stay in his crate for the 4 hours I was on campus yesterday. I put him in the crate but didn't put the door on the crate. That way he had the secure feeling of the crating ritual (he does seem to like that) but didn't have to be caged. I liked him meeting me at the door when I got home. And he didn't do any harm to the kitchen, either of the kind that requires a carpenter or the kind that requires a paper towel.

10:08 a.m. - 2006-12-12


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a substitute activity - 2007-07-17
tired of this tedious waiting all the time - 2007-07-13
July 13 update - 2007-07-13
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nooooooz - 2007-06-29

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