zosianicola's diary

zosianicola's Diaryland Diary


a half-sleepless night with a sad puppy

We put Mydog with his cone collar into Hisdog's crate (because it is bigger), left Hisdog free and then we hunkered down for the night. But little Mydog cried the saddest weakest most pathetic little cries I've almost ever heard from a dog, so I made myself a bed on the bathroom floor, with an old knitted blanket topped by a thick polyester quilt topped by a thick sleeping bag. Then I let Mydog out of the crate, helped him get the cone thingie through the crate doorway, settled down in my "bed" and he stumbled over to me and collapsed. I slept rather well, actually, for several hours, until he shifted positions and his rough shaved spot and staples scraped against my arm and woke me up. awake I realized my back was killing me and I was having a hot flash. I squinched myself into a fetal position so I could relax my back---which helped for a little while. Then I decided I had to get to my real bed, so I slowly and gently extricated myself from where I was, which was wedged between Mydog and the wall, and got myself to bed without his waking up. I guess it took about 2 hours to fall asleep again but my back felt better.

Today he thinks life is back to normal, and is resisting my efforts to keep him inactive. His brother knows something is weird but still wants to play (he is afraid of the cone collar so if mydog has it on, hisdog keeps his distance). we are sitting in the master bedroom listening to music and I am writing lectures on transcription in eukaryotes. I wrote to the breeder. The vet said I ought to, they need to know their poodles carry this disease. Surely they know about this! But I dutifully wrote them. I made it a very FYI e-message, no finger-pointing. Somebody on the standardpoodles group page on dogster wrote that his puppy had osteochondritis dissecans and insurance wouldn't pay for it because they blamed the breeder. The breeder blamed the owner for letting the puppy play with another dog. Doesn't this really suck? I don't want to give our breeder the opportunity to blame me for letting my puppy play with his brother. Reminds me how when we first got them the tech at the vet clinic said "They're so lucky to have each other!"

Well, maybe Hisdog is lucky. I don't know about Mydog. Or maybe Hisdog will still get the problem--it happens to puppies during growth spurts between 4 and 8 months!

9:08 a.m. - 2006-12-22


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a substitute activity - 2007-07-17
tired of this tedious waiting all the time - 2007-07-13
July 13 update - 2007-07-13
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nooooooz - 2007-06-29

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