zosianicola's diary

zosianicola's Diaryland Diary


organ grinders

If I had a dime for every time I've said "insulin" lately I'd have made a nifty 3% raise in my salary. I'm teaching sugar and fat metabolism in biochemistry and introductory physiology in General biology.

We obtained kidneys and testicles and a goat head for lab yesterday----I should have realized that the testicles would be calf organs, not post-puberty organs, because bulls are not slaughtered for food. male cattle are only allowed to keep their genitals if they are going to be breeding stock. so the testicles did not have visible seminiferous tubules but they were still cool, and the students felt exploratory. The kidneys were fantastic, portal vein and artery still sound, cortex and medulla looked quite different. The goat head was fantastic---must have been a young kid because the skull was easy to open and we got a good look at the brain, the hindbrain, and then dissected the eye.
See how cool it is to be a biology professor?

I got tired of hearing only business news on NPR and realized i need another source for news, now that the Republican party has gotten their hands on Morning Edition (Steve Inskeep and Bob Edwards aren't even the same species) so I subscribed to the SA paper, but guess what, all i learned about from it this week was about the SA girl on American Idol and about Imus being let ever-so-gently step-by-step out of his job. i had never heard of him before. i went looking on the web for his racial/sexual slur expecting to hear something terribly vile and can hardly believe what I found. that craggy old white farm boy was just trying to be hip, had been listening to too much hip hop, and got carried away. I guess Ida been peeved if i were one of the NJ bb girls, but really I expected to learn that he had suggested/described raping torturing defiling and mutilating them, topped off by making them wear the burka and denying them access to medical care or equal pay for equal work.

That was flippant, but really I do not understand this society's multiple standards. Janet Jackson can't show a breast at the Super Bowl but all other actresses MUST show their breasts. THe SA girl gets booted off American Idol for being too suggestive, but all other girl singers MUST be too suggestive.

Well yes I do get the purpose of double standards---often it is a matter of when something is appropriate and when it isn't, like how James Gandolfino says different F words on HBO and A&E. But sometimes it is hard to figure out the new rules. NOT that I want to take the side of that craggy white old guy radio show host.

Dog and I go to CS today, after my first meeting with my tenure help group, three full profs (one from my own Dept, the others chairs of other departments) today in the early afternoon. I don't think it will take long. We will examine my student evaluations, my faculty development document, my letter of adjunct professor appointment at OurU and my letter giving me a St Ecstatica's grant, and they will tell me I am fantastic, just keep up the good work. Am I in for a shock?

Tomorrow i am going in to the lab at OurU to start ordering DNAs and stuff for my summer work. One of my St E students, who is going to work with me at OurU this summer, is coming with me to OurU this weekend. kind of like summer beginning!

8:06 a.m. - 2007-04-13


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a substitute activity - 2007-07-17
tired of this tedious waiting all the time - 2007-07-13
July 13 update - 2007-07-13
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nooooooz - 2007-06-29

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