zosianicola's diary

zosianicola's Diaryland Diary


really starting to get frightened.

here is my new life. I get up at 6 unless I couldn't sleep and then I was already up at 4:30. I let out the dog. I feed the dog. i walk the dog. I shower. I go to work. I work all day, taking about twice as long in organizational tasks than I should. I give lectures. i hand out quizzes. I correct homework assignments. I post powerpoint lectures on the school intranet. Occasionally I go to the bathroom. I teach the extremely friendly and helpful upperclass student proctors what lab we are doing with the freshmen this week. i make lists of the glassware and chemicals we need for the labs. If it is M, W, or F I go home at lunch to let out the dog. (If it is T or R someone else I hired does it.) I come home about 6. I eat yogurt or a hummus sandwich for lunch. I write more lectures or homework assignments or find educational web pages for my students. At 1 hour intervals the dog and i go out so he can pee. I update the attendance rosters and the grade books. At about 11:30 i can't keep my eyes open anymore so i put the dog in his crate and then i collapse.

I am so glad I decided to make this life change. In other words, what the heck was I thinking? Am I going to live through this year?

7:41 p.m. - 2006-09-10


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a substitute activity - 2007-07-17
tired of this tedious waiting all the time - 2007-07-13
July 13 update - 2007-07-13
- - 2007-07-08
nooooooz - 2007-06-29

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